Junk Yard Mini Golf

I went to the best place last night. I went to Junk Yard Mini Golf  in the Leeds Light.

They have 3 different 9-hole courses and we played on Pablo, which I want to explain as a jungle temple sort of theme.

I went with 5 of my mates which I think is a good number of people just because with there only been 9 holes, I imagine if you had less it would have gone a bit too quickly.

As a team, we were not the most skilled. We only got one hole in one out of all of us and I think that may have been an accident. I had a habit of just whacking it and hoping for the best. This often resulted in the ball rolling back to me achieving nothing. You may have guessed I came last.

My favourite hole was a little bumpy tube and a big bath tub, just because none of us could figure out the best way to get the ball in the hole. Also, because it sort of rolls around in the bath tub a bit before going down the plug hole. When it eventually did come out, all of our feet got in the way and the balls ended up going everywhere.

They also do these really cool drinks. I don’t drink so I may not be the best person to comment but they are all colourful and have jazzy little names. I just eat the sweets and party rings off the top of them.

The tickets cost us £9.50 each which I think is a good price because we had so much fun and I would definitely go back to do the other courses. All I’m going to say is don’t go in heeled boots as the extra height is not an advantage.
